The Uses of the Subjunctive in Spanish.

Hello everybody! In today’s article we talk about verbs. Specifically, we will discover the main uses of the subjunctive in Spanish. But don’t panic! We are going to give you some simple indications and clear examples to help you better understand how and when to use it. Let’s get started!

The subjunctive is one of the most interesting and complex verbal modes in Spanish. It is used to express desires, doubts, emotions, hypotheses and non-real situations.

Unlike the indicative, which is used to talk about facts and certainties, the subjunctive introduces an element of subjectivity or uncertainty.

Let’s look at some of the main uses:

1. Expressing wishes

If we want to express wishes and hopes for ourselves or for other people, we use the subjunctive. It is often introduced with verbs such as “desear” (to wish), “esperar” (to hope), “querer” (to want), among others.

Another element widely used by Spaniards in these situations is the interjection “ojalá” (of Arabic origin: Dios quiera).


Espero que tengas un buen día (I hope you have a good day).
Ojalá llueva mañana (I hope it rains tomorrow).
Quiero que vengas a mi fiesta (I want you to come to my party).

2. Expressing doubt or uncertainty

When we talk about doubt or uncertainty, we use the subjunctive. This includes expressions such as “dudes que”, “no creas que”, “no pienses que”, among others.


Dudo que sepa la respuesta (I doubt that he/she knows the answer).
No creo que lleguen a tiempo (I don’t think they will be on time).
No creo que sea una buena idea (I don’t think it’s a good idea).

3. Expressing emotions

It is also used to express emotions, feelings or reactions. This includes verbs such as “gustar” (to like), “molestar” (to annoy), “alegrarse de” (to be happy about), “temer” (to be afraid of), etc.


Me alegro de que te guste el regalo (I’m glad you like the gift).
Siento que no puedas venir (I’m sorry you can’t come).
Me molesta que ella hable tanto (It bothers me that she talks so much).

4. Expressing recommendations and suggestions

Have you ever wanted to give advice to a Spanish friend but didn’t know how to do it?
Now you know that you have to use the subjunctive.


Te recomiendo que estudies más (I recommend you to study more).
Es importante que sigas las instrucciones (It is important that you follow the instructions).
Sugiero que hablemos con el jefe (I suggest we talk to the boss).

5. Expressions of time

Some expressions of time, indicating uncertain future situations, are also used with the subjunctive.


Cuando: Te llamaré cuando llegue a casa (When: I will call you when I get home).
Hasta que: No te vayas hasta que termine la reunión (Until: Don’t leave until the meeting is over).
Antes de que: Lava los platos antes de que llegue mamá (Before: Wash the dishes before mum gets home).

As you can see, the subjunctive is an essential verb mood in Spanish to express situations that are not concrete facts. Through desires, doubts, emotions, hypotheses and more, the subjunctive adds nuances to our communication.

Practising with these examples and recognising the situations in which it is used will help you to master its use.

At El Rincón del Tándem Spanish language school, we encourage you to learn more about the use of the subjunctive and to practice it both in class and outside the classroom.

If you want to learn Spanish more quickly, take a look at our list of courses and start improving your Spanish now!

See you soon!