Today, we talk about the difference between the Spanish verbs: Sentar and Sentarse. If you still do not how to use them properly in Spanish, our Spanish school El Rincón del Tándem will help you master both in no time 😊

In a previous post, we have talked about the difference between comer and comerse. Today, we are going to focus on another couple of Spanish verbs whose use can be challenging for Spanish learners.

To begin with, the Spanish verbs sentar and sentarse are different in type and meaning.
So, let’s take some minutes to study both…


The Spanish verb sentar is a transitive verb and has different meanings:

1. Sentar: to sit, to seat somebody in/on something

  • Por favor, sienta el niño en el asiento trasero del coche = Please, seat the kid in the back seat of the car

2. Sentar + adverb (bien, mal, de maravilla, fatal, etc.): to suit, to look good on

  • El verde te sienta de maravilla =Green suits you perfectly
  • Estas gafas de sol me sientan fatal = These sunglasses look awful on me

3. Sentar + adverb (bien/ mal/fatal/ de lujo, etc.) : (not) to sit well, to agree/disagree with somebody

  • La cena de anoche me sentó mal. No dormí nada = The dinner I had yesterday didn’t sit well. I didn’t sleep at all
  • No me sientan bien los pimientos = Peppers disagree with me

4. Sentar bien = To sit well, to go down well with somebody

  • El viaje a la India te sentó muy bien. Te encuentro más relajada = Journey to India sat well with you; I find you more calm

5. Sentar mal: not to go down well with, to upset

  • A José le sentó mal tu opinión = Your opinion upset José
  • Tu comentario le sentó mal a Ana = Your comment didn’t go down well with Anna

6. Sentar + noun = To place, to lay, to set

  • Hay que sentar un muro de contención en este lado del terreno = A retaining wall must be laid on this side of the land

7. Sentar + abstract noun = To establish, to set

  • La resolución del Comité sentó un precedente = The Comittee’s resolution set a precedent
  • El acuerdo de paz sentó las bases para el progreso del país = The peace agreement set the foundations for the progress of the country


The Spanish verb sentarse is a reflexive verb, meaning to sit, to sit down.
In Spanish, it is equal to “tomar asiento”. As in all reflexive verbs, subject and object of sentarse are the same. That is, the action “reflects back on” and is received by the person who performs it (the subject).

  • Me gusta sentarme cerca de la chimenea = I like to sit next to the fireplace
  • ¡No comas de pie! Siéntate en la mesa = Don’t eat standing up! Sit down at the table

We really hope that this blog on the difference between the Spanish verbs: Sentar and Sentarse, helped you understand how to use them properly 😊

As always, we encourage you to make the most of your Spanish lessons and keep practicing the language inside and outside the classroom.

Finally, our Spanish school, El Rincón del Tándem, is glad to provide you with Spanish courses in a cosy and friendly place, here in Valencia.

¡Hasta luego!