There are little Spanish words that mean so much and YA is one of them. If you still struggle with the proper usage of YA, take a look at our blog! El Rincón del Tándem gives you useful tips to master this Spanish word. 🙂
We continue exploring meaning and usage of Spanish words, especially of those that can be easily confused by students.
One of the questions that are most commonly asked during Spanish lessons concerns the proper usage of YA.
Despite being so little, YA is one of the most commonly used word in Spanish and has a bunch of different meanings.
Also, in some cases, its function in the sentence depends on the context as it can express very different feelings, like agreement, incredulity or surprise.
Furthermore, is one of the most essentials words that you need to know as it comes in handy very often, especially in informal conversations.
Lastly, mastering the word YA will also makes your speech sounds more natural.
So, there are many reasons to explore better this word. Let’s start!
Firstly, the most general and common meaning of this word is “already”.
- Ya he visto esta película = I have already watched this movie
- Lucas ya le ha comprado el regalo a Marta = Lucas has already bought the gift to Marta
- Ya he comprado el billete del tren = I have already bought the train ticket.
We can also use ya in questions to ask if an action has been carried out or hasn’t. In this case, the English translation can be “already” or “yet”.
- ¿Ha llegado ya la profesora? = Has the teacher arrived yet?
- ¿Has hablado ya con Esther? = Have you already talked with Esther? / Have you talked with Esther yet?
Secondly, in Spanish we can also use YA to mean “now”.
- Ya entiendo porque estabas enfadado = Now I understand why you were upset
It is also used when we are looking forward for something to happen.
- Mi mejor amiga ya está en el tren para Valencia. Tengo muchas ganas de verla = My best friend is in the train to Valencia now. I am looking forward to seeing her.
Or to express a negative sense of impatience. In this case, YA can be translated into English as “now, or “right now”
- ¡Para ya! = Stop it righ now!
- Me tengo que ir ya = I have to leave right now
In Spanish we also use YA to mean that we are about to do something or that we will do it “in a second” or even “later”, in an indefinite future.
- ¿Vienes a comer? – ¡Ya voy! = Are you coming to have lunch? I am coming now/in a second
- Ya hablaremos de las vacaciones cuando nos veamos en persona = We will talk about holidays later, when we will see each other.
Another very common meaning of YA is “anymore, no longer, any longer”. It indicates that someone quit or stopped doing something. In this case, YA is always used in negative sentence and followed by the adverb NO.
- Soy vegetariana. Ya no como carne = I am vegetarian. I don’t eat meat anymore
- Ya no quiero quedarme en la playa = I don’t want to stay on the beach any longer
There are specific situations where we cannot find a very accurate English translation of YA. That usually happens when YA mainly works as a filler word and it is used to add or increase the emotional connotation of the sentence.
Therefore, let’s see what purposes YA can be used for:
– To emphasize
- Ya me gustaría viajar al menos cuatro veces al año = I’d love to travel at least 4 times per year
- Ya lo sé. No hace falta que me lo digas otra vez = I already know that. You don’t need to tell me again.
– To reassure or calm down someone
- Ya verás que vas a estar mejor = You will get better
- Ya verás que vas a aprobar el examen = You will pass the test
– To express frustration
- ¡Ya no puedo más! = I can’t stand it anyomore
- ¡Ya está bien! = Enough is enough
– To express disbelief
- Al final no puedo llevarte al trabajo en coche – ¡Ya, ya! ¿Y solamente ahora me lo dices? = In the end, I cannot bring you to wok by car – Oh, Sure! ¿Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
– To indicate agreement
- No puedo concentrarme con tanto ruido – Ya, te entiendo = I cannot focus with all this noise – Yes, I know
We hope this blog on the Spanish word YA helped you to use it fluently when speaking Spanish.
If you want to know more about its usage and avoid to mix it up with other Spanish words, take a look at this previous post.
Our Spanish school , El Rincón del Tándem, invites you to add more and more Spanish words to your vocabulary and to make the most of your Spanish lessons.
¡Hasta luego!