Uses of the article. Part II.

Hello everybody! Today we continue with the second part of the use of the article in Spanish.

Last week we talked about the use of the definite article, now we will focus on the use of the indefinite article and when we don’t need to use it.

If you missed the first part, you can read it here.

As you already know, in Spanish, nouns can be preceded by a definite article: “el”, “la”, “los”, “las”; indefinite: “un”, “una”, “unos”, “unas”, or be used alone, that is, without any article.

Normally, we use the definite article when we talk about something we already know and we use the indefinite article when we talk about something we do not know or have not mentioned before.

Besides, there are other uses as well.

Uses of the indefinite article.

1. To identify something or someone as part of a category or group.

¿Dónde trabaja Lucía? -En un hospital. / -Where does Lucia work? -In a hospital.
Las chicas de la foto son unas amigas de Carlos. / The girls in the photo are Carlo’s friends.

2. To speak of someone or something in general terms.

Un hospital es un lugar donde trabajan sanitarios. / A hospital is a place where healthcare workers work.
Un bolígrafo sirve para escribir. / A pen is for writing.

3.To indicate quantity.

Un, una + an ancountable noun in singular form = 1
Tráigame un café y una cerveza./ Bring me a coffee and a beer

Unos, unas + only-plural nouns = 1
– Necesito unas vacaciones. / I need holidays.

Unos, unas + Countable nouns in plural form = algunos, algunas (some)
Unos chicos quieren verte. / Some guys want to see you.

Unos, unas + quantity = aproximadamente (approximately)
– Tengo unos cien relojes en mi armario. / I have about a hundred watches in my wardrobe.

4. To replace a name mentioned above.

– ¿Qué tipo de zapatos quieres? – Unos cómodos. / What kind of shoes do you want? -Comfortable ones.
– ¿Cuál es tu chaqueta? – Una azul con capucha. / -What’s your jacket? -A blue one with a hood.

Omission of the article.

As mentioned above, there are some cases where the article is not needed:

1. Uncountable nouns.

– No tengo dinero. / I have no money

2. Verbs ser (to be) and hacerse (to become) with professions, religion, nationality or political idea.

Luís es médico. / Luís is a doctor.
Soy católico. / I am catholic.

*but: the indefinite article is used when the noun has an adjective.
– Luís es un buen médico. / Luís is a good doctor.

3. Seasons and months.

En primavera siempre llueve. / In spring it always rains.

4. Before “otro”, “medio” and “mil” (another, half, a thousand).

¿Quieres otro trozo de tarta? / Do you want anther piecee of cake?
Dame medio kilo de tomates. / Give me half a kilo of tomatoes.

5. Proper nouns of people, cities, countries and continents.

He estado toda la tarde con María y Rodrigo. / I spent the whole afternoon with María and Rodrigo.
– Me gustó mucho Roma. / I liked Rome very much.

*but: there are countries or cities whose names contain an article, such as La Havana.

We hope you have enjoyed this post and that it has helped you to learn the uses of the article.

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