The verbal periphrasis with estar has several uses on which we are going to talk next.

Today in the blog we speak Spanish verbs, particularly verbal periphrasis with estar.  It is an important subject in Spanish learning at basic levels. Let’s see the formula by which this periphrasis is formed:

Estar + gerundio

This periphrasis can be used in the past, present and future. In all cases, time is determined by the time in which the verb estar and the context are used. However, let’s see it with examples.

First, we use this periphrasis when we speak of an intermediate state of an action. That is, we see an action in its development, after its beginning and before its end.
Juan está haciendo la compra en el supermercado =  Juan is making the purchase in the supermarket
Ayer a las 7 Alfredo estaba entrenando = Yesterday at 7 Alfredo was training

Second, the periphrasis estar+ gerundio it is used to refer to a very specific moment in the development of an action. We contrast a general example and an instantaneous situation:
Nacho come pescado cada día = Nacho eats fish every day
Mira, Nacho está comiendo pescado otra vez = Look, Nacho is eating fish again

Estar + gerundio with finished actions

Apart from the uses previously seen, the verbal periphrasis with being is used for the finished actions. That is, to talk about the actions they carry out during a certain period of time. Also, it is necessary to determine this period: this morning, all the year, 4 hours ago, until 11 etc.

He estado 3 horas limpiando la casa (pasado cercano) = I’ve been cleaning the house for 3 hours (past close)

Ayer estuvimos cenando hasta las 10 (pasado) = Yesterday we were having dinner until 10 (past)

Había estado fregando toda la tarde (pasado lejano) = I had been scrubbing all afternoon (distant past)

This use of periphrasis is what causes many doubts to students during their Spanish courses. Therefore, in case of any doubt, we recommend you to define well whether we are talking about an action developed during a certain time or that the action has ended. So, here we leave you a link where you can practice uses of estar+ gerundio.

We hope you liked our post and help you with your Spanish studies. Spanish grammar may seem difficult at first but do not worry, the teachers of our Spanish school in Valencia will explain everything to you in the best way;)

Until the next blog